About The OAH
What is an Owners Association?
An Owners Association is an organization created by the developer to own, operate and maintain certain amenities and features within the community that are not maintained by the Municipality. These may include entrance signage, ornamental parks and ponds, lakes and beach club, boulevard landscaping, pathways, fencing, recreational buildings and more.
The Owners Association of Harmony (OAH) was established to protect the value of these community amenities. With the OAH in place, residents know that Harmony’s many unique features are properly maintained for many years to come.
The OAH is also an important means of building community pride and unity amongst residents. Active involvement in the OAH is an excellent way to meet fellow homeowners, and a rare opportunity to help shape the community’s future through planning and input. Stay tuned for future notices from the OAH requiring your involvement.
The Purpose of the Owners Association in Harmony
The OAH serves many vital functions in the community. These include:
- Management and maintenance of the community’s amenities and physical features that go above and beyond what Rocky View County will provide, including, but not limited to, entrance signage, parks, ponds, boulevard landscaping, Harmony lake and it’s pathways and any OAH buildings such as the beach club.
- Membership management and annual fee collection. All members are required to pay the annual OAH fee as it is registered on your property title.
- Organizing and coordinating community events.
- Providing access to community features including Mickelson National Golf Club of Canada.
Benefits of the OAH:
- The OAH is mandated to maintain the community amenities and physical elements which contribute to the long-term appeal and desirability of the community.
- The OAH is governed by a Board of Directors and a set of By-Laws, ensuring governance, transparency and accountability.
- In the future, OAH members may become Board Members of the OAH, directing and facilitating operations, overseeing the OAH and playing a direct role in helping shape the community’s future.
OAH Governance
Registered as a non-profit organization under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, the OAH will be responsible for preserving and enhancing Harmony’s public spaces, and maintaining Harmony’s high development standards. The OAH is also responsible for the ongoing operations and maintenance of community amenities.
For detailed information on the governance of the OAH, members should log in to the members pages of this website. The member pages contain information on the structure of the OAH Board, the OAH Bylaws, Rules and Regulations among other things.
The OAH will provide financial and administrative services including, the collection of fees from the members of the OAH, reporting and ongoing disclosure to its members. A portion of the annual dues collected are necessary to fund the on-going operations of the OAH.
The owners of single family and multi-family residential lots, commercial and retail lots within Harmony, will become members of the OAH, upon creation of those lots. The timing of when the fees are paid by new owners of newly created lots is generally when the property becomes occupied. As such, each member will be responsible for the timely payment of membership fees as set forth in the By-Laws of the OAH. Fees vary based on the specific location of the property, and generally range from $130 to $150 per month. Fees are due July 1 each year and are to be paid annually with notices provided by the OAH in May of each year.
In addition, upon becoming the registered owner of a property in Harmony, a one time $4,000 initiation fee (plus GST) is required. This one time fee is used to fund the “Special Amenities” in Harmony including: Community buildings, Recreational facilities, and Health and Wellness facilities to name a few. Full details on the Special Amenities and the timing of providing the same, will be outlined to members in due course.
Membership and other matters pertaining to the Association are more fully described in the By-Laws of the OAH which are provided to all members of the OAH.
Each title will be encumbered with a caveat that outlines the monthly fee in favour of the OAH. The OAH may, in one year, choose to charge an amount other than that provided for in the encumbrances, subject to the limitations in the OAH By-Laws.
Resident Member Obligations
The OAH was established to protect the value statement of the Harmony community features and facilities and has a vested interest in ensuring a high level of maintenance and future upkeep of these features. Some of these features and facilities are not funded by municipal taxes, and therefore a monthly fee payable by all property owners in Harmony is required. Each member contributes to the maintenance and care of the community, and its amenities.
Community Features & Lifestyle Benefits
OAH Amenities
Harmony offers amenities in two categories: Base and Special Amenities. The long-term management and maintenance of these amenities are primarily supported through the OAH fees.
Base Amenities
Base Amenities are included in the purchase price of your property in Harmony. Please note that the amenities included in the Base Amenities list are subject to change in future.
Your monthly OAH fees pay for the ownership, operations, management and maintenance of Harmony’s Base Amenities, which may include, but are not limited to:
- Community pedestrian and bicycle pathways and trails
- Lake shorelines and beach amenities (including docks)
- Art in public areas
- Landscaped areas (both on OAH lands and public)
- Fencing, gates, community entry monuments and irrigation systems on OAH property and Rocky View County property managed by the OAH
- Water retention ponds, and overland drainage routes on OAH property or on Rocky View County property managed by the OAH
- Play structures and fields on OAH property or on Rocky View County property managed by the OAH
- A Social Membership to the Mickelson National Golf Club of Canada
The Social Membership to Mickelson National Golf Club of Canada is designed as a complimentary resource to enhance the quality of life of Harmony residents. Please view the details of this social membership in the document provided.
Special Amenities
Special Amenities are in addition to the Base Amenities. Upon becoming a registered owner in Harmony, a one-time $4,000 Special Amenity Initiation fee is required. This fee is used to fund the “Special Amenities” in Harmony.
The one-time Special Amenity Initiation fee pays for the capital cost and ownership of the following special amenities:
- Health and Wellness Club
- Arts Facility/Theatre
- Community Building
- Recreational Building and Facilities
Please note that the amenities noted in the Special Amenities list may change in future.
What's Happening!
Solid Waste Recycling day change over the holidays! Please check out the calendar of upcoming events for the holiday schedule.