Owners’ Associations – FAQ
A Homeowners’ Association (HOA) is an organization created by a land developer to manage and maintain the amenities and features of a new community not typically maintained by the City. These may include entrance signage, ornamental parks and ponds, boulevard landscaping and any buildings.
About Your Owners Association
The Owners Association of Harmony, more commonly known as the OAH, was established to own, operate and protect community based amenities, and to maintain a higher standard of maintenance over what the municipality can provide for public spaces.
Registered as a non-profit organization under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, the OAH will manage all community amenities, for a fee, through meaningful input and guidance for future care, maintenance and development of the community. This may include area beautification projects, superior levels of care, the addition of amenity features and organized events. Presently, and until the community reaches its full development potential and is turned over to the residents; the OAH is managed by the developer. In the near future, residents may become board members, directing and facilitating the operations of the OAH. Annual OAH fees are regularly reviewed by the OAH Board and adjusted to meet the cost required to maintain the amenities and the provision of services.
The developer will legally establish the Owners’ Association entity early in the planning of the community if there is the knowledge that the community will have assets in need of maintenance in the future. The OAH for the maintenance of these amenities and assets and in some cases, ownership of those amenities and assets located within the OAH boundaries.
Establishing the OAH protects the value of the common community amenities, and ensures a high standard of maintenance of the common amenities.
Membership is mandatory for all owners within the community of Harmony and the jurisdiction of the OAH. An Encumbrance is registered on the title of every lot in the community of Harmony.
Yes, The OAH generates operating funds through member fees that are required to be paid. An encumbrance is registered on every property’s Certificate of Title that ensures the value and integrity of the community is maintained for the long-term. Fees are collected by the OAH and are due annually on July 1.
Only residents of Harmony are members of the OAH and will benefit from the Owners Association. All residents in the community will benefit through the ongoing maintenance of the community amenities. Long term care of these features ensures the value statement created for the project is maintained.
The Owners Association of Harmony (OAH) is owned by all property owners in Harmony, which is governed by a set of Bylaws and a Board of Directors. Harmony Development Inc. (HDI), currently manages and controls the OAH, until such time as the OAH can be self-sustaining and/or the community is substantially built-out. This timeline will be solely at the discretion of HDI. Ultimately the OAH will be fully self-funded and operated by property owners in Harmony with a Board of Directors elected annually at the OAH’s Annual General Meeting.
Your monthly fees pay for the operations, management and maintenance of Harmony’s community amenities, which may include, but are not limited to:
- Community pedestrian and bicycle pathways and trails
- Lake shorelines and beach amenities (including communal docks)
- Art in public areas
- Landscaped areas (both on OAH and public lands)
- Fencing, gates, community entry monuments and irrigations systems on OAH property and Rocky View County property managed by the OAH
- Water retention ponds, and overland drainage routes on OAH property or on Rocky View County property managed by the OAH
- Play structures and fields on OAH property or Rocky View County property managed by the OAH
- Social Membership to the Mickelson National Golf Club of Canada. Please refer to the Social Membership document for more information.
Your one-time Special Amenity Initiation Fee pays for the capital cost and ownership of the following Special Amenities (to be confirmed)
- Health and Wellness Club
- Arts Facility/Theatre
- Community Building
- Recreations Building and Facilities
What's Happening!
Solid Waste Recycling day change over the holidays! Please check out the calendar of upcoming events for the holiday schedule.