Who is responsible for the Adventure Park area?

The Owners Association of Harmony (OAH) is responsible for maintaining the Adventure Park amenities.

The OAH will operate and maintain the Adventure Park on behalf of the Developer.

What is the update on the Adventure Park?

The planning of phase 2 of the Adventure Park is underway with the developer. Construction is tentatively set to begin in 2025.

There was an Adventure Park Amenity Survey sent to the community in May 2024, where the developer asked residents what amenities they would like to see in the next stage. 

When are baseball diamonds, soccer fields or other amenities going to be developed?

The Developer has advised that Base Amenities for Harmony include parks, pathways, and open green spaces, and are generally constructed with each new phase built.  For example, completed phases have a series of trails, open spaces, wetlands, Paintbrush Park, and Sunset Cove Park which can be used by all residents of Harmony to enjoy.

Additional Base amenities will be added with future work programs in Phases 11-14 and will include additional walking and trails, and open spaces. As the development progresses, additional sports fields and other amenities will come online.

Please let the OAH know if there are specific amenities you would like to be considered in the future by emailing admin@harmonyowners.com.    

When is the next community park/play structure planned to begin construction? Is accessibility being considered for the next park?

Sunset Cove Park in phase 10 is complete and we have taken steps to incorporate a more accessible playground in future phases.

For future play structures in Harmony accessibility will be considered and incorporated if possible. If a resident has ideas they would like to share, please contact admin@harmonyowners.com.

Could there be some benches and waste bins put along the pathway on Copithorne Trail?

The OAH has reached out to Rocky View County with regards to the installation of benches or bins (furniture) along Copithorne Trail. Rocky View County advised that they will not permit furniture to be installed within Road Rights-of-Ways. 

Why are the grasses left to grow long in the green web areas?

The Developer has confirmed that the intent for Harmony’s green web is a multi-purpose system. Over and above the use and enjoyment of the space, the green web acts as a transition between Urban and Rural areas (hence the natural, non-manicured look), and storm water conveyance, storage and pre-filtration prior to entering the lake.

Please refer to the web site landscaping plans that show the level of maintenance for Harmony’s open space systems.

Who is responsible for the maintenance of the green web?

The OAH is responsible for the landscape maintenance after it has been turned over by the Developer to the OAH. The areas that have been turned over and are now maintained by the OAH, as well as the maintenance levels for the areas can be seen on the drawings in the OAH website.  Click here 

If there are concerns about the level of maintenance in the green web, please contact admin@harmonyowners.com. This will be assessed, with findings communicated back to the OAH membership.

Higher maintenance levels (i.e. more grass cutting, watering, etc.) means higher costs to the OAH, which in turn could result in an increase in fees. Alternatively, other services provided by the OAH may have to be cut back if the fees are to be maintained and higher landscape maintenance levels are desired. 

What is the plan in regards to Amenity Development? 

Base Amenities are generally constructed by the Developer with each phase of the development.

Special Amenities are those that are above and beyond the Developer’s Base amenities.

The following information is a list of what “Base Amenities” and “Special Amenities” generally include:

“Base Amenities” – provided by the Developer and included:

  • community Pathways and trails
  • lake shoreline and beach amenities
  • Art in public areas
  • landscaped areas and irrigation systems (both public and OAH areas)
  • fencing, gates, entry monuments
  • water retention ponds, and overland drainage routes
  • play structures and sport fields (both public and OAH areas)
  • Adventure Park (non-building related)
  • Social Membership to Mickelson National Golf Club of Canada

“Special Amenities” – include Capital expenditures associations with:

  • Health and Wellness facility
  • Arts/Theatre facility
  • Community buildings
  • Recreational building and facilities
  • Beach Club building and facilities
  • Adventure Park enhancements and building related facilities

Details of what will be included in the Beach Club area are currently being finalized. We will communicate this out once we have confirmed details.

When will the permanent beach club area be available for use?

The OAH anticipates that the Beach Club will commence with construction when Harmony reaches approximately 1,000 homes.  This is when the OAH can sustain the operation of the beach club facility through monthly membership fees. 

Will the Beach Club or South Beach Club have a rental shop for paddle boards/paddle boats/other water equipment?

Yes. However, until the Beach Club is operational, the South Beach now has kayaks, paddle board, and life jackets available for rental, for residents only. They also have outdoor games such as bocce, cornhole, etc. 

Are there still plans to include a fitness centre? If so, will this be managed by a third-party?

Details regarding the planning of the future Beach Club, will be shared when they are available.  

Will the general public be allowed to use the beach club facilities?

Yes, the general public will be allowed to use the beach club facilities for a fee, as this was a condition of Harmony’s development approval with Rocky View County. The fee is yet to be established. 

Currently there is public access for the South Beach, using our Pay Per Use program. Please see below for the cost breakdown:
• Family of 4 (2 adults & 2 children): $30.00
     o Additional children will be $10.00 each
• Single Adult: $15.00
• Single Child: $10.00 (adult will need to be present)

* There is a maximum of 20 non-resident pay per use users per day

Where does the funding come from to construct the Beach club area?

The beach club building is funded through the OAH Special Amenity fee ($4,000 per lot). This fund is intended to be used to construct other amenities like the building in the Beach Club, buildings in the Adventure Park and South Beach area, other community based enhancements, as well as future expansions to existing facilities. 

Currently, the Special Amenity fees collected are approximately $2,682,000 as of June 30, 2024, and are sitting in a segregated bank account from the OAH operations.  Funds in the Special Amenity account cannot be used to fund any of the OAH operations as these funds are for capital expenditures only. 

What is the plan for parking next the beach club?

The Beach Club area will have a small onsite parking lot and as well as overflow parking across the street, which is combined with the Adventure Park. 

Who owns the boat, and what is the purpose of having it?

The boat is owned by the OAH and its purpose is to be on hand for use by staff to provide water testing as required by the OAH, safety, and for maintenance purposes.


Lake General

Please clarify when the Public will be allowed access and why?

The Developer has confirmed that as part of Harmony’s development approvals with Rocky View County, Harmony’s lake was to provide some sort of “public access”.  In order to comply with this approval, public access will only be available for a fee, which is established and controlled by the OAH.

Public access to the South Beach area will only be available Monday to Friday. No public access will be available weekends or holidays or any future planned resident only beach events.

Public access will be pay per use, and there will be a maximum of 20 non-residents allowed per day. Please see below for the cost breakdown:
• Family of 4 (2 adults & 2 children): $30.00
    o Additional children will be $10.00 each
• Single Adult: $15.00
• Single Child: $10.00 (adult will need to be present)

The beach access will remain first come, first serve, and residents will hold priority over any Pay per use guests.

What will the public access fees be used for?

General public access user fees will be used by the OAH to supplement ongoing OAH activities and operations, all determined by the Board of Directors of the OAH.

Do the builders have access to Guest Passes for their prospective clients?

Harmony builders are provided with 10 one-time passes per season, for those who have purchased a home in the community to enjoy the amenities while they wait for their home to be completed. 

Will there be lifeguards?

No there are no lifeguards on duty at the lake. Lifejackets are strongly recommended.

Who is responsible for garbage collection / clean-up of the beach and lake shore?

The OAH is responsible to maintain the beach area, including regularly scheduled garbage pickup. The OAH has made arrangements with MNGCC to provide this service. 

Maintenance includes raking the sand, cleaning up debris, and garbage removal. If there are concerns with the level of service provided by the contractor, please contact the OAH Admin at admin@harmonyowners.com

When will the lake be stocked with fish?

The lake is currently re-stocked approximately 2 times per year with Rainbow, Tiger, and Brown Trout. For more information, please see complete fishing rules and information.

How is the OAH addressing the birds on the lake / beach?

While the OAH cannot control wildlife visiting the lake area, the OAH and the Developer are working Orkin to address the bird issue on the lake. The OAH is also maintaining the beach area by raking it to remove fecal matter and will regularly deploy bear bangers to limit the number of geese on the lake. Other methods to deter geese may be considered in future.  Residents are asked to contact the OAH if you see any nests in the area. 

The lake was originally planned as 140 acres, can you please clarify when development of the other 100 acres is slated to begin?

The Developer has advised that the construction of Lake B is being split into 2 parts. Stripping and grading for Lake B Part 1 is underway.  Construction will be a long process that happens in multiple phases over many years. 

You can find a map showing Lake B Part 1 and 2 here. 

We have had many questions about bioswales. Please read this information sheet to understand more about bio swales. Map of Bioswales

When is the downtown district planned for development? If there is a population target that needs to be met before development, what is that target?

The Developer has confirmed that the downtown district is intended to be Harmony’s “Village Center”.  Development timing is based on commercial interest, the number of rooftops to meet sustainability, and is market-driven. The Developer cannot commit to a definitive timeline for any of the commercial uses within the Village Center.

For more information, please click here

What is the plan for the farmland along the south border of Harmony? 

The land south of Harmony is owned by the Munro family and the OAH and the Developer are unaware of their development plans at this time.  

Are there any plans for using Solar Energy within the community? 

The Developer has confirmed that they did not plan for the inclusion of any solar energy facilities within Harmony at this time. As a resident, you have the option of adding solar panels to your home at any time.

When is the school expected to be built?

The Developer has advised that the timing of the school construction in Harmony will be dependent on the Rocky View County Schools funding and priorities. Questions about the school can be directed to the RVC Schools by calling 403-945-4010.

When do curbs and sidewalk get repaired? When will the rear garage aprons get patched to meet the lane? 

The Developer is responsible for all concrete and asphalt repairs after they are constructed until Rocky View County issues a final acceptance certificate for the work, which is typically 2 years after the work (concrete and asphalt) was initially placed.  If the concrete is a hazard, it is very important to let us know as soon as possible at admin@harmonyowners.com.

Is there a rule that notes when landscaping must be completed by?

There is a Restricted Covenant registered on title which references the landscape completion time frames. This time frame is generally set at a year, and is based on factors such as possession date, time of year, etc. For specific details, please refer to the Restricted Covenant on title or contact the OAH. Please see Landscaping quick facts.

Are fences covered by the AC Controls?

The appearance of any fences in Harmony are included in the Restrictive Covenant registered on the title of each lot to ensure that any new fence complies with the original intent of fences for the community.  If a fence does not comply with the restrictive covenant, please contact your OAH so that appropriate action can be initiated. Please see the fencing guidelines document.

Who is responsible for the maintenance of the fences for lots that back onto greenspaces?

All fences that back onto a green space or open area, that are adjacent to a resident lot, are the responsibility of that resident.  This responsibility is outlined in the lot encumbrances for those properties that are affected. 

We live in the villas and are wondering if there will be fences built between the villas or only across the back?

Homeowners are responsible for fencing between properties and the ongoing maintenance of the rear yard fencing that back onto a lane or open space. Please refer to the Restrictive Covenant on your title for further details.   

Are there penalties assessed to builders for leaving a construction site a mess?

The Developer has advised that there are penalties for lots not being maintained by builders. This is monitored by a consultant on behalf of HDI. Should you have any concern about the state of any lot, please contact the OAH at admin@harmonyowners.com

Will Telus be providing service to Harmony?

The Developer has indicated that Telus is currently providing service to limited areas of Harmony. To check if your area is a Telus serviced are please contact Telus at www.telus.com.

What is happening with the Discovery Centre?

The Developer advised that the Discovery Centre “DC” was envisioned and then constructed by the Developer in 2015 as a sales and marketing tool to assist with the pioneering nature of Harmony. 

In addition, the Developer has allowed the OAH to use the DC for community-based events. Please contact the DC staff if you are interested in utilizing the DC for events. 

Discussions are underway with the Developer regarding the long term use of the DC for OAH purposes.

Why are dogs not allowed in the lake or beach area?  What is the rationale behind this policy?

The rationale around this decision focuses on public health and safety (possible aggressive dogs or people with allergies) as well as the need to maintain our water quality (the lake is the community’s source of drinking water, as well as surface water for swimming). There is also the liability risk to the OAH should untrained dogs pose a safety concern with other users of the lake. This is a standard rule among all lake communities. Owners are asked to refer to the OAH Rules and Regulations and note the reasons why pets are not allowed in the water.

What about a segregated area in the lake for dogs to swim? 

This question was discussed at length with the OAH Board and it was confirmed that the current Rules and Regulations for dogs in the lake stand. No dogs will not be allowed to swim in the lake or be on the beach areas, including being on paddle board or kayaks.

What is the Social Membership and what does it include?

For all questions about Mickelson National and the Social Membership, please contact Mickelson directly. 

For more information, please see the below links:

Mickelson National Website

LaunchPad Website

Resident Package

Resident Green Fee & Launch Pad Rates

What is the schedule for waste, recycling and organic pick up? In the winter, can organics schedule change to bi-weekly?

Solid Waste services are now under the administration of the OAH. Please refer to our Solid Waste Page for more information. 

Waste collection occurs bi-weekly, recycling collection occurs weekly, and organics collection occurs weekly between May 1 – October 31, and bi-weekly from November 1 – April 30.  

For details on pick-up days, please find them on our calendar of upcoming events

When will the water utility rate change from a flat fee to a usage-based fee?

The Developer has advised that the water and sewer rates remain at a flat fee until such time that the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) approves HAWSCo’s request for a rate application. 

Notices will be provided by HAWSCo to all residents of Harmony when the utility rates change.

Why is the lake currently being aerated? 

The lake is the source of Harmony’s drinking water and aeration is necessary to ensure the quality of the water is high. Aeration is ongoing, but only occurs in the deep portion of the lake from which the water treatment plant is supplied with water. 

How self-sustaining is the lake? How often are we drawing water from the river?

The lake level is maintained by:

  1. Incoming storm water flows, and
  2. water piped from the Bow River.

During periods of dry weather, the lake will need to be supplemented with water from the Bow River.  All of the above is closely monitored by HAWSCo, and adjustments to the lake level is ongoing.  

Who controls the OAH Board and how are decisions made by the Board?

The OAH is governed by a Board of Directors currently set at 9, that are currently Developer nominated and elected positions. The Board is tasked with managing the affairs of the OAH within the Bylaws of the Association. The Board generally meets quarterly to review and decide on the direction of the OAH. 

A list of the current OAH Board members is posted on the OAH website.

Decisions by the Board are by majority of those present at the meeting, subject to achieving a meeting quorum. 

In order to improve Board governance and transparency to the membership, the Board includes two Harmony resident members at this time. As the community grows closer to completition, more resident board members will be added.

Those interested in being a member of the Board are asked to submit their resume to admin@harmonyowners.com for consideration for future openings.

Are all lots in Harmony paying OAH fees now?  Is the developer paying for the unsold lots? When do they project that the OAH will separate from the developer?

The OAH has confirmed that only lots that have been occupied by residents and use OAH facilities, as well as showhomes that have been purchased by a third party are, paying their OAH fees.

The Developer has confirmed that builders Spec homes and showhomes are provided with a grace period that exempts them from immediately paying their OAH fees. The grace period for Spec homes ends once a home becomes occupied, while the grace period for showhomes ends once the showhome ceases to operate as a showhome.

The Developer does not pay OAH fees for unsold lots as there are no residents in these lots that use OAH facilities. However, the Developer has agreed to cover any operating shortfalls of OAH on an ongoing basis.

Currently, the OAH Board is under the control of the Developer.

The Developer has confirmed that it will turn over the OAH to the residents of Harmony once the community is substantially built out and the OAH is sustainable financially into the future.  

How are things paid back to the developer from the OAH?

For ongoing OAH operations, the OAH pays for this through the collection monthly OAH membership dues.  The Developer has agreed to cover any OAH operating shortfalls at this time. 

For Base Amenities, these are generally constructed and funded by the Developer, and when complete, operated by the OAH.  These facilities are ultimately turned over to the OAH by the Developer per the Rocky View County guidelines, at the Developer’s discretion.

For Special Amenities, constructed by the Developer on behalf of the OAH, or the OAH directly, these are funded by the OAH through the Special Amenities fees that have been collected from the membership. 

How do we book the fire pit? 

Fire pits are booked by filling out and returning the fire pit waiver & request form to admin@harmonyowners@com. 

How do we get in touch with the OAH and/or Developer

Emails for the OAH can be sent to the admin@harmonyowners.com.

Emails for the Harmony Developments Inc. can be sent to the customercare@qualicocommunities.com

Where can I find the financial statements for the OAH?

After the audited financial statements are finalized and signed off by the Board of Directors, they are posted on the Financial Info page under the Members tab. 

What is the breakdown of how our fees are spent?

The yearly budget can be found, once available and approved by the board, on the Financial Info page under the Members tab. 

Details of the previous year’s expenditures are included in the year-end Financial Statement for the OAH which are posted on the Harmony member’s website leading up to the Annual General Meeting. 

What is the status of the Special Amenities fees? 

Please refer to the Beach Club drop down for this information. 

Clarification from the OAH and Complaints of trailers remaining on the street, and in driveways.

The OAH is responsible for administering the Association’s Bylaws. This would include requests, points of clarification, and providing direction regarding queries related to onsite trailer storage within the community. Trailer Screening Guidelines 

Specific concerns regarding individual lots will be reviewed and addressed on a case by case basis by the OAH.

In the event you see a trailer parked improperly on public property, or unsafely (i.e. roadway or lane), please contact Rocky View County Bylaw infraction for enforcement at the link: https://www.rockyview.ca/report-a-bylaw-enforcement-issue

Is there a set construction start/stop time?

Rocky View County has a noise bylaw.

Specifically, the noise by-law is in effect from 7am – 10pm weekdays, and from 9am – 10pm on weekends. If you notice work that takes place outside of the designated work times, please contact Rocky View County.

What are the rules around weeds?

Excessive weed growth in all areas of Harmony fall under the Rocky View County By-laws. Each Homeowner is responsible for their property. Please report excessive weed growth to Rocky View County By-law enforcement officers.

Can there be more speed signage to reduce/enforce speeding on the Harmony roadways?

Speeding on roadways is an ongoing issue in all areas of Rocky View County, not just Harmony. If speeding is witnessed by a resident, it is recommended that information from the speeder be taken and reported to the RCMP for further action. 

The Developer has implemented protocols and procedures with their builders and contractors regarding the safe operation of vehicles when in use in the Harmony project. This includes speeding.  If speeding is witnessed by a resident try to obtain the vehicle make, color, signage, and license plate if possible, and submit to the developer for further action. The Developer will ask Rocky View County for more speed signage in the community.

Is there a contact person at the County that can be used to voice residents’ concerns?

The best person to contact regarding concerns would be Don Kochan, Mayor/Councilor for Division 2 RVC. DKochan@rockyview.ca

How has Harmony been designed to safely accommodate the Springbank Airport?

Working in consultation with Transport Canada, Harmony has been designed to be airport-compatible in the following ways:

  • There are currently no residential homes built within the takeoff and landing lines of the airport runways, nor will there be in future.
  • We have not only met, but we have exceeded NEF Contour regulations for noise.
  • The Mickelson National Golf and Country Club, the business campus areas of Harmony, and the open green space and berms, were purposefully positioned to provide a buffer and a transitional space between residential areas and airport lands.
  • Homes are required to be built using triple-paned windows and resilience channeling, which not only helps to buffer aircraft noise, it also improves your home’s energy efficiency.
  • You must sign a restrictive covenant airport acknowledgement when closing with your builder.
  • You also must sign a Member Acknowledgment form, which notes airport proximity and potential noise concerns.

How close to homes do the airplanes fly?

  • Flight patterns used by fixed wing aircraft in YBW include arrivals, departures, and circuit training. In this link you will find diagrams showing typical fixed wing training circuits, utilizing both runways.

What are the future growth plans for the Springbank Airport?

  • Improvements and expansions to YBW since 1997 have ensured that the airport is delivering on its mandate to advance economic and community development, as the operating surfaces and land development at the airport have grown to meet demand.
  • Springbank Airport facilities will be expanded when required, to meet the anticipated future growth in aircraft traffic at the airport, primarily through the addition of a new runway and related taxiways. For a full summary of plans, please visit https://www.ybw.ca/.

What can we do about plane noise levels?

  • The Calgary Airport Authority, as manager and operator of the Springbank Airport, is actively engaged in discussions regarding noise with the communities surrounding YBW.
  • Noise-related questions or concerns are encouraged to be brought forward via the Noise Concern Hotline. This allows them to address any immediate concerns and to help improve our airport noise management strategies.
  • For more information on noise at YBW,
  • please visit https://www.ybw.ca/ to access the Springbank Airport’s Noise Management Brochure and Springbank Airport Community Noise Study, conducted in 2018.

Who can we contact for issues with the airport?

When are pathways cleared of snow?

Please find the pathways and sidewalk snow removal map here.

If there are concerns about the level of snow clearing, then this will be reassessed, with the findings communicated back to the OAH membership. Please understand that higher maintenance levels means higher costs to the OAH, or an increase in fees to maintain the level of service sought. Alternatively, other services provided by the OAH will have to be cut back if the fees are to be maintained.

Why are not all paths being snow plowed with the same level of service?

If there are additional areas that residents would like to have cleared, please provide the location information to the OAH, and the OAH will take it into consideration for the next years maintenance contract.

Is it possible for snow removal crew to remove snow in a manner that will keep the front of driveways clear of snow?

No. The Developer has advised that the primary objective for snow clearing is to keep the roads drivable for cars, emergency vehicles, garbage trucks, etc. in accordance with Rocky View County standards. 

Unfortunately, after heavier snowfall events, snow clearing may result in an accumulation of snow in front of driveways.  This cannot be avoided.  We remind you that it is your responsibility as a homeowner to keep your sidewalk and driveway clear per Rocky View County Bylaws. 

What is the timeframe for development of the town square? What are the potential vendors? What leasing opportunities will be available for small businesses in the Town Centre?

Plans for the Village Centre are currently being evaluated, which includes type, form and long term sustainability of this area.  

For more information, please see the below links:

Village Centre

Commercial Opportunities